Operational excellence

Continuously considering and reviewing how we can streamline our operations and ensure that every phase of the operation is as efficient as possible, not only supports our cost optimization ambitions but links strongly into our climate targets as well.

Strategic and dynamic planning and decision making regarding on-time performance and operational best practices as well as an ambitious fuel efficiency program and reliable maintenance planning are all efforts that contribute to our operational excellence.

Icelandair Saga Lounge-4
Operational improvements

We focus on finding the strategic levers of what is in our control, and focus on making the right decisions – finding the balance between external and controllable actions.

We continuously identify and evaluate opportunities for efficiency improvements, minimizing fuel consumption and thus decrease the environmental impact of our operation.

Improved on-time performance is essential for achieving operational excellence in the airline industry, as it enhances customer satisfaction, drives cost savings, provides a competitive advantage, ensures regulatory compliance, and fosters operational resilience and efficiency.

Heiða Njóla Guðbrandsdóttir

Deputy COO

Heiða Njóla Guðbrandsdóttir

Deputy COO
